All posts in My Year of Right Sacrifice-TIME

Favorite Verse of Octobers Hymn

IT IS THAT TIME AGAIN! And only a couple more hymns till it is all done! I am still in the process of picking my hymn for this month. Hope to have it up soon. I must say, being near the end has made it harder for me to narrow down which ones I really want to get in before I am done. I am really cherishing this project… and who knows, perhaps I will put up a recording of one of the hymns, just my version sorta thing… perhaps.

Octobers hymn was so meek and sweet and I felt like holding each verse gently in my hands and not letting them go… may they be written on my heart.

According to Thy gracious word,
In meek humility,
This will I do, my dying Lord,
I will remember Thee.


Only Love Can Do This!

My children drive me to my knees to pray in two very different ways. In the days of joy and peace I feast my eye on the beautiful little things in this mommy world of mine and bending my knees in prayer I express thankfulness and amazement at all my blessings. Days of struggle and stress with my children send me falling to my knees in search of help and comfort.

It has been a week of loving so much it hurts. Struggles in each little child’s life surround me! They all need me at the same time and all reject my loving hand of discipline and guidance at the same time. It has been so tiring I fell asleep for four hours yesterday in the middle of the day!

Today I found the determination to enjoy the day in spite of it all. Put on some Carolyn Arends acoustic music. Finally put the cheep little chocolate bars away, that are so readily available thanks to the last ridiculous holiday, they where making me feel worse anyhow… Took the time and prepared a walnut salad, goat cheese on my favorite crackers and a little bubbly. Being my mothers daughter I put my bubbly in a pretty wine glass even though it wasn’t the real thing. I sat and ate and sipped and felt just special enough to get on with the good fight.

I plan to spend more time on my knees waiting for some clear guidance for each child, in hope that my parenting ability will not reach a limit and I will be thanking Jesus for the strength that I already feel welling up within me, the strength to keep loving even when it hurts.


Share A Little Love

So earnestly and easily she learned to love him. This little girl was terrified of dogs only a few weeks ago and although Riddick has proven to not be perfect she trusts him already. Kids so easily give up fear for love. May I be the same. Braving love over fear in my daily life.


Timely and Sweet – Blessings

I have my share of posts about those rough mommy days, as is fair as is truthful, but this is not such a post. This is a deliberate ‘count your blessings’ kinda post. They don’t usually get as many comments but I hope it is encouraging in a up lifting fashion. Encouragement is good in many forms, there is a need for the honestly rough post, encouraging because of the ‘not being alone in my troubles’ factor and so a blessing counting post is encouraging in a different but special way…may you all see you are included in being given many many daily blessings!

Saturday at 7:10 The dog woke me up, what a huge blessing! My alarm didn’t go off and Anna was waiting for me outside, for who knows how long, so we could go early to the dog park! A beautiful morning greeted us as we march over the prairies with our dogs and conversation with Anna is always such a blessing. Around 8:30 I lost Riddick but he eventually came back to me. My friend began helping me with his obedience training right then and there. She encouraged me with her God given wisdom and patience. By the end of our walk I was confident and Riddick was being a real gentleman.

9:10 I arrived home to find a jewel of a friend, Crystal to be exact, had left me a little gift in my mail box. The gift, a new type of tea, was lovely and I got to put my feet up while I enjoyed it.

Noonish I was off shopping with my sister Mirelle and it worked out that I only had to take one child. Time away from the house and the individual time with Baby Boy was very special.

Afternoon, I watched my 8 year old daughter dancing with her friends in the driveway. She spotted me mouthing the words to the tune and proudly proclaimed I should come dance with her and her friends. Oh that sure made me feel special!

Later my 4 year old little woman went for her first sleep over at grandma’s and sensing my melancholy over it my boys managed to hug me more then is usual for the rest of the day.

An evening out with my oldest two came next. Movie night! We had great fun chatting and sharing some fries. I taught them a trick to get more ketchup on their fries without double dipping, ‘I call it the two-for’ and they applauded my genius, genuinely impressed by Mom. After the fries I cheered with great pride as they put two straws in their chocolate milk and chugged it in a matter of seconds so we wouldn’t miss the start of the movie. My oldest actually held on to my arm most of the movie, she wanted to be close. At the movies end they both thanked me and told me they loved me. I know they are my kids and generally pretty well behaved, but every now and then I am really impressed by how polite they can be.

There has been so much more! This whole weekend I feel as if I am walking into one joy after another! A very unassuming weekend, much less stuff going on then usual and yet it has been so full, full of blessings.

The biggest blessing for me has to honestly be the attitude of my children… only days ago the struggle in our home was one of rebellion of responsibilities and selfishness… I was busy trying to pick up the pieces and wearing out. The kids where obviously not happy with me of late. To have them trying harder and making an effort was a big enough blessing but to have them expressing love and appreciation more often my way again brings me to tears. A Mama has to do her job no matter what but it sure helps to have my little nest full smiling and hugging me.

Blessings are often reminders to me that people are thinking of me… timely blessings are all around… Taking notice of them reminds me that CHRIST is thinking of me:) Really I am appreciating the people in my little world more and more… As they bless me so I hope I bless them!


Canis Familiaris Community ;)

Owning a farm dog wasn’t like this at all. As with most things, it is very different to own a dog in the city compared to owning in a rural setting.

Found the dog owner community in my city very easy to jump into. Go to the dog park a couple times, with your dog, and you are in. There are a few different off leash parks in our city and that is where Riddick really proves he is a dog. Walking around our neighborhood doesn’t compare. He is so happy off his leash, running with the Great Danes and Huskies (he doesn’t know he is a little guy) and flirting with that beautiful Newfoundlander and that graceful Greyhound girly.I was able to get away with him each day this weekend. We caught a ride with a close friend and her Lab pup Jazz… quick stop at Tim’s and off we went to follow the prairies along the river. Saturday was breathtaking as we went out and watched the sun come up. Spotted a fox and enjoyed watching some deer jump a fence. Sunday we went close to sunset, which is rather early already. There where way more other dogs to distract my boy but he did pretty good. My girlfriend and I managed to scurry down to the river bank and then enjoyed letting the dogs swim and run along a natural beach. We had to find another way up because we had barely made it down the muddy steep bank so going up wasn’t gonna happen but oh we laughed about how silly we must have looked following our dogs down a much too treacherous trail. I breath so easy out there, away from the city. I appreciate how Riddick is pulling me out of my routen and my city life mentality. Even taking him to the cities only self serve doggy wash yesterday was a joy for me. I am comfortably jumping into a dog owner lifestyle and finding it is making me a more relaxed individual…

Riddick is great but he is just part of the blessings, part of something sweet working in my heart. The Lord is teaching me so much lately about really being his. Through walks with Riddick, a rock concert I attended lately, and a ladies study I am partaking in I am seeing a reoccurring encouragement to let go of my self glory and instead live as the moon, reflecting the sun’s glory. I am finding so much quiet time lately, where did it come from? So many moments of hearing from God and so much hope and joy for where things are going.


In My Name

And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it.
~John 14:13-14, NIV

As I studied this with some sisters today I felt blessed in seeing clearly the importance of the statement ‘in my name’ for the first time. I have looked through some different write ups about the statement this afternoon and love that it all relates back to, union or coop with Jesus. To ask in his name is to ask according to Christs purposes, and not our own, ‘his name’ signifies his character or reputation. His purpose is easy, Christ over and over said (even in the verses above this section) that it is all for the Glory of God.

From now on whatever you request along the lines of who I am and what I am doing Ill do it. That’s how the Father will be seen for who he is in the Son. I mean it. Whatever you request in this way I’ll do. ~John 14, the message

I have been wrestling for some time with how easy it is to be consumed by working on and for my own glory, or my own reputation. In our society one is supposed to buy things and surround themselves with stuff that reflects THEMSELVES. Christ calls us to live in and through him! Not just live for us with him in our hearts. If we are really really in a coop with our Lord Jesus, thanks to his Holy Spirit, we will know the right questions, pray the right prayers and desire to BE for the glory of GOD.

This is a big step for a Christians in our society. It is an ‘outside the box’ concept to live purely to project someone other then ones self. We are often told to take Jesus in our hearts and given this idea that he is kinda like a piece to the puzzle, or an accessory but Jesus calls us to more! He is the whole puzzle and he wants the whole of us. Click on the link RIGHT HERE to go to another post where I was chewing on this concept. I was sorting out my conflicting feelings…of how it would make me feel so alien in my world and yet at the same time it would release me of such heavy burdens and tiresome pursuits and leave me with a sense of being really alive!

I want to come and go and BE in his, CHRIST’S, name!


Won It So Read It

I discovered a new blog, I often do as I am a habitual blog surfer. Randomly entered a contest on before mentioned blog and actually won! Won a book no less! I needed a new read because I had burned through my latest historical fiction read and had no budget to purchase another this month. Yay for Simple Mom’s site!

It was interesting to me that the book I should win was titled ‘the reluctant entertainer’. I had just recently realised, after compiling many comments coming with in ear shot, that many many people wish they where thought of and invited over and so many people ESPECIALLY in the church feel lonely. I really enjoy to be hospitable but one can never learn enough about wise domesticity! I have started to read it, and perhaps it can encourage you too, check it out!

To get a friend you must be a friend… it might not be what we want to hear when lonely but to be shown hospitality you must be hospitable. Some one has to start, someone has to take the time first, make the effort first and reap the rewards of giving first!

On a side note, I am pleased as punch (think my m.i.l. taught me that witty saying) to show you my little side table solution! Those two square baskets with a few books I am often dipping my fingers into are my make shift solution to not owning any side tables for the living room! I find it such a cute little solution I will be all the more picky about an actually set of side tables. Perhaps I will just buy a few more square baskets! Oh and more books! Yeah that is a legitimate reason to buy more books!

On a second side note, this post is also tagged ‘the pet’ so I must post another picture of my fox terrier. He is still so new to our family that he will often stand next to me as I type away on my computer and I can tell he is wondering what I am so intent on and why it isn’t him? He will get used to me and my click-y pass time. He just yawned at me and went to his doggy bed. It is being baked in a sunbeam and I can tell he is far more comfortable there then standing near me and my laptop.


Thanksgiving Is So Autumn

For man, autumn is a time of harvest, of gathering together. For nature, it is a time of sowing, of scattering abroad. ~Edwin Way Teale

Ah the colors, the fresh air, the friendly sun, and the food!

How very autumn is Thanksgiving! At a time of year when we start to settle in (to a new year to the prospect of another long prairie winter) and become comfortable it is an excellent time to stop and to really think about all our blessings. Counting our blessings prevents complacency and wards off bitterness! Now if only fall and Thanksgiving could keep away bitter winter!

I can’t remember the last time we have been blessed with such a warm autumn! It is warmer and sunnier then our rain filled summer was! Playing in the leaves and making mud pies with my kids while their grandmother, my husbands mom, prepared a gluten free Thanksgiving meal (celiac in the family) was wonderful!
Sharing pie and turkey with loved ones, and then another piece of pie and more turkey is pretty full filling, and filling!I am absolutely thankful for these people around me!

I am also so thankful for all I am learning lately in the area of thankfulness. It is a state of the heart and not just an emotion reacting to your current circumstance. I hope I can continue to let peace, patients and the other fruits of the Spirit work in me to make me a woman with a heart of thankfulness and, therefore, a woman of love.

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. ~George Eliot


Octobers Hymn

(My youngest two and my niece enjoying an autumn tradition, the straw maze, it is set up by a local green house business.)

According to Thy Gracious Word

A hymn clearly about remembering Christs sacrifice for us, it was written by James Montgomery. James was known for humanitarian beliefs, he spoke out against slavery and child labor. A simple yet pretty tune caught my ear and the simple and familiar Christian ideals in the song where familiar enough with a sweet twist at the end. Last months was easy to pick up and learn and I think this one will be as well.


My Favorite Verse From Septembers Hymn

I like this hymn largely because it is a call for community among the believers and it is reminding us of the beauty in that. The fellowship of the saints has largely been forgotten in the format of programmed churches today… and seen as too difficult in today’s busy society but the truth is it is a lost blessing and the majority of us DO miss it… if we only missed it enough to do something about it…

He bids us build each other up;
And, gathered into one,
To our high calling’s glorious hope,
We hand in hand go on,
We hand in hand go on.