All posts in Contest

Get Going With the Pink Bike and the Trailer

(Photo courtesy of my four year old and her knack for cutting my head of in pictures.)

I was THRILLED about the play date we had booked for this a.m. because it gave me a good reason to set up the bike and trailer and kick off using it this summer. I always wish I had more opportunities then I do each year to get it out! It will not be long before the kids are too big for it! Anyhow, play date was in our old neighborhood. I love this area for biking because of all the pretty cat walks. We had a lovely ride there but on the way back I was in a hurry, the wind was no longer at my back and the trek is up hill back home so I was pretty much warn out when we got back. I love my pink beauty but it sure doesn’t help that it has no gears at such a time.

Speaking of my beautiful ride, she needs a pet name! So I am putting it out there and starting a contest on both my blogs. If I get a good name idea, for my bike, from a reader I will send you a little something.

Align CenterHave a lovely JUNE day!


I Had A Christmas

So yes, I had a Christmas but we all got pretty sick at the end of the holidays so I haven’t been really up to doing a post about the holidays…

I was very enthusiastic when the kids got off for the holidays. We spent much time on the hill and worked hard at getting set up with skates so we could enjoy the neighborhood rink. These two things where probably my favorite parts of the holidays!

I can’t get too spiritual about it all right now… it had what is expected, family drama and family memories, food and gifts, stress and relaxation, sleeping in and up later then normal… Most of all it had plenty of memorable moments for my family!

I still haven’t taken down the decorations… they are so pretty and I still feel cheery when I look at them… might have to stay till the days get longer again.

ON WITH THE WINNER! Put the names in a hat and drew out our winner! I will deliver you the gift a.s.a.p.!



So unless you are coming out here some time soon I suppose I am mailing it to you Kristen! Congrats and thanks to all who commented for making my 100th post a little more special!


Contest 2009

I got a contest still on at this LINK!
Check it out!
Open for a couple more days to celebrate my 100th post!

The Christmas-y View From Here

I have to say, I am tickled that we finally got some real snow!Last night I was out VERY late at a ladies study (which was a real blessing) and as I drove home on Circle Drive I was pretty much alone on the roads. It was very snowy, big fluffy slow snowflakes where falling. The sky was an amazingly warm red color in the middle of the night. The city seemed SO QUIET and STILL… it was so lovely to be embraced by such a dense quiet.

This morning I woke up before the kids! With a yawn I wrapped my favorite wrap around my shoulders and pulled open the curtains to see a beautifully Christmas-y world blanketed in thick snow! The frost on my window was a piece of art and the quiet I had enjoyed the night before had carried over to the morning. I sat alone and just listened to and breathed in the silence…
After a bit I turned on the Christmas lights, for the house stays dark till almost noon lately! I got wiggly and ended up rushing around fussing with my house, for it feels like Christmas is really coming after all!


With my last blog I totally missed the special 100th post and the 200th and so on and so forth, but this time I have been watching the number count up to 100 and I want to celebrate cuz I like celebrations so I shall do a give away as many others have.

I noticed blog surfing is down this time of year so your odds of winning might be pretty high. I have a little something Christmas-y in honor of the time of year this 100th post arrived and if you comment on this post I will draw from those names and send it on to the winner.