Christmas Still Comes Every Year

Join in the chorus, sing to the baby
Sleeping beneath the stars that he made
Light in the darkness, hope for the hopeless
His love will never fade away

Heaven came down to earth to bind our wounds and wipe away our tears

~JJ Heller (Christmas is Here)

“This winter has been a time of heart break for me but also so many heart hugs. We have had more then a few people help us out in different ways this holiday season. I am overcome by the Lord’s provision and how he often wraps it up in beautiful people. He is so good to me and people have been so good to me,” a count your blessings quote I posted on social media earlier this week.

My kids have been full of grace with me this season.  I have requested we step back from a lot that we often do traditionally this time of year and they have willingly been very good about it.  I adore that they are learning to sympathies with me as I struggle to keep up with life when I really want to be left behind for a while.  I don’t want to skip Christmas but I do desire one that is more authentically about what actually matters this year.

While I am greatly occupied with my Dad’s death I seek to still dig in to the beautiful moments my family offers me right here at home.  We DID put up the tree and a few decorations.  We have wrapped the gifts in packaging paper again and decorated them by hand with lots of stencils, stickers and crayons.  We will go out to a few gatherings but mostly this mama just wants to wrap herself up in her kids experiences and watch them have a blast… wants to just love on everyone as best I can right now… and give myself the breaks I need to continue to mourn honestly.  I believe if I can manage those desires my mourning will be dosed more and more in hope and I will again be better at keeping up with life.

“Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmastime.”

~Laura Ingalls Wilder

I hope we all get a chance to share, give and receive beauty, hope, joy and LOVE this Christmas season.



Lady Mac an Rothaich

One Comment on "Christmas Still Comes Every Year"

  1. Robin Munro says:

    I so agree with you. I just want to be a little more on the sidelines, watching, with few commitments to think about this year at Christmas. I am not depressed, nor overwhelmed, but I am sad and have much to think over and pray about and be grateful for.

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