Archive for February, 2015

Moose Riding and a little update!

10011426_10152366628047127_5264897136790890329_nHAPPY FRIDAY! 

It has been a long long time since I have had a cute kid quote on here… Friday seems like the day to post a little goofy post… so here’s hoping this infuses some cheer into your winter day, it made me bust a gut when it happened…

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The Comforts of Home


There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.
~Jane Austen

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Feeding the Birds

My eldest son came home very excited about a school project that made a simple and quick bird feeder.  The crafting table was set up and we decided to encourage and help the little chickadees specifically.  These adorable chubby birds stay here all winter and must be hungry.

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