I am good at wearing masks and tell myself that they are not just for my pride sake but necessary to function socially in a healthy fashion. I have been waiting for a place to be real, some women to be real with and I knew that was a God given desire and longing. I have had those types of connections in the past and I am thankful and optimistic about getting to know more sisters now and into the future. Transparency is key though and that doesn’t come naturally.
Tonight as I opened up about something I have been struggling with for years I felt initially scared, it has been such a precious secret of mine. I realise, almost as soon as I opened my mouth to share, it hasn’t be necessary to hold it in so tightly.
They prayed over me and I am so thankful. My Little Woman sat behind me on the couch as they laid hands on me and she mumbled in prayer and drove her hot wheel truck up and down my back… a moment of beautiful humor in the middle of a blessed and personal experience.
Secrets are only serious and big as long as they are keep secrets, friends are only so distant until you open up and let them through the door to your heart, life is only so hard when you think you are the ONLY ONE!
I am sitting in my living room still glowing from the spiritual time we had tonight. The comfy warmth in my home is the Spirit and he leaves me with a feeling like those perfect moments in front of a fire, with a cup of your favorite tea, and your cat on your lap, your favorite over sized sweater draped around you and a cold winters day at bay…
and I am thanking Jesus for honesty and unity among sisters tonight!