All posts in My Year of Right Sacrifice-TIME

Second Piece (Trust and Wait)

(See the post linked RIGHT HERE, as it is related to this one.)

Isaiah 49: 8

This is what the LORD says:
“In the time of my favor I will answer you,
and in the day of salvation I will help you;

Waiting and trusting go hand in hand. David had an ability to wait for the promises over his life to be full filled and that prevented him from rushing ahead and screwing things up. He didn’t rush through his hard times. He trusted the Lord when he said he would full fill the blessings and end the struggles at the right time because he believed in God’s compassion.

When you trust anyone you have a soft heart toward them, so it is in our relationship with the Lord.

Psalms 86:15
But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,
slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.


One Piece (Sing To The Lord)

Take the time to sing, take the time to rejoice!

I am still trying to take in all I was blessed with this morning at the ladies study I attend. A piece of it rang out in my heart as clear as a bell and so I want to share it with you. Through out my Christian walk I have known beyond a shadow of a doubt that is more about being in Jesus then doing for Jesus. There are ways to amerce ones self in the Lord deliberately and it must be undertaken daily to live successfully for the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The leader of our study was sharing different ways David was able to keep his heart soft toward God, through years of suffering and waiting. One of the ways was music. He was a very musical man and it was a direct connection between him and God. Singing out to the Lord is a way to deliberately amerce ones self in Jesus.

It is so hard to hold on to the ugly stuff that collects like thick sticky dust in ones heart when one forces ones self to sing. There in is the easy connection between singing and rejoicing made!

This message connected perfectly with something my kids had taught me months before. ‘Just sing Mommy. We like it when you sing. You are happy singing.’ was a comment from my daughter. ‘Sing with me!’ has been a common plea of hers. I have sang so little for so long I didn’t know where to start. Much to my surprise they had a song in mind and taught me my grandmothers favorite little chorus anew.

It isn’t much of a song, simple that is, but It has a way of coming easily to my mind and easily from my lips… no effort really… and I have started kick starting my day with this song and its sweet little reminder.


This is the day
This is the day
That the Lord has made
That the Lord has made
We will rejoice
We will rejoice
And be glad in it
And be glad in it
This is the day that the Lord has made
We will rejoice and be glad in it
This is the day
This is the day
That the Lord has made.


Are We There Yet?

(Our youngest hasn’t even mastered the tricycle and yet we have to keep reminding him his oldest sister’s bike is too big for him.)

How come the desire to run ahead causes me to desire the comfort of the past? The human condition has not changed since time began and I am not immune to it.

I have been letting myself go into a dark mood the last day or so and I wasn’t totally sure of the cause. Impatience is my newest suspicion.

We left our comfortable town because that was no longer where God wanted us. I have since let the idea that he has other plans for us, completely different from our own wash over me. So I thought I would be fine with it all now… now that I knew he had big things in store I was focused, well mostly focused, and for sure excited… but then nothing happened, or so I felt, for the last year, I developed impatience. After all, we left so lets start getting somewhere!

I started toying with the idea of how ‘things where better when’ … when we weren’t in line with God’s plan for our life… is that what I was thinking? Oh brother I am acting like the people of God when they got feed up and wanted to go back to Egypt! I honestly know there is no going back for me but… …

Thankfully the Lord never leaves me to my human conditions devices. Yesterday a speaker at a study I attended reminded me of Davids years of hiding from Saul and waiting for the kingdom he was already given by God. Those supposed wasted years where years of great learning. Our Lord is really good at giving us times to adjust, learn and grow into what is to come.

If I think about it really hard and stop being so worked up about what is ahead I realize we are growing here. When I stop thinking about the past with rose colored glasses I can see the good going on in the now.

I so appreciate the artistic minds, blessed by Christ, that turn these human experiences into word and song! It is no coincidence that these songs find me when I need to hear them… today the Spirit of the Lord lead me to a Sara Groves song. Click on the below link to read the whole thing.

Again it is time to get along with the truth and kick out the mood. And so I wait on the Lords timing.


Thankful Thoughts

Is thankful for a lovely weekend.
Thankful for the warm fall day that made an outdoor party for my two year old possible.
Thankful for family who makes me feel special by coming to little life events.
Thankful for how handsome my man looks when he decides to buzz all his hair off again.
Thankful for the bunk beds my handsome man is making for our boys!
Thankful for how big and healthy my littlest one is in spite of how often he got sick these last two years.
Thankful for how sweet my biggest boy can be.
Thankful for how strong and beautiful my daughters continue to grow.
Thankful for the ladies who visited over cards and treats on Saturday night, I needed something social!

Thankful for a week of things to look forward too… library story time with the littlest two, a new ladies group that I joined for Tuesday mornings and the fact that a dear new friend is willing to come with me as I nervously navigate a new social circle, a ‘catch up with’ coffee date for Wednesday with another dear new friend, a shopping trip with my m.i.l. on Thursday and a very empty Friday that is thus full of possibilities!

I am so thankful for cups of tea, strong garlic hummus to snack on and a night to sit and not talk after a busy weekend… hoping my voice will return and the cold will be gone SOON!


Trying On Jackets Again

No matter how old you get you will find you get used to a time of life and start to think it defines you and that it will always be you.

Be prepared to always grow!

When do you earn… gain the right… to be labeled ‘a runner’ or ‘a musician’ or ‘an artist’? Does it involve training, require natural born talent, the validation of your peers (the willingness of them to tag you with this label) or a mix of and/or all of the above? Is there a required amount of hours put in before you receive it or is it something (like motherhood) that you have to grow into once you are already given the job?

I am not talking careers here, I am talking passions.

As I find the time in this new stage of life to dust off hobbies, perhaps even passions of mine, that I put off while I was immersed in the most demanding physical years of motherhood I am faced with a collection of unruly emotions. I believe love involves sacrifice and I spent years happily sacrificing my interests and, dare I say, talents so I would be less distracted from the beautiful task of raising my four babies. It might have been a struggle at points when my self would roar up for ‘ME’ but mostly it was a relief. My personality was such that I had never been very comfortable putting myself out there as a specific type of person, you know, defined by your abilities or interests. I was relieved to put them aside and devote myself to children. I found great passion in being a mom, the label fit and the job description was totally for me.

The funny thing about being a mom is you work so very hard at it so that one day your child can live independently of you… Somehow I convinced myself through it all that I was pretty well rounded as a mom, that I had me stuff, that I wasn’t just MOM… but why then would fear be involved when I face the prospect of having to be woman and not just mom… why would it be so scary to move to a stage where I can do more stuff outside of motherhood that I enjoy?

I think one earns the right to a label when it moves your heart to joy, when you look forward to it, want to talk about it and gain self reward from it enough, cherish it enough, to not need all others to accept it. You do it for you and understand it isn’t who you are but part of who you are.

So here I go, picking up those labels I had put away, with hands shaking, so be it. Some I am happy to see and others just don’t fit anymore… and that is okay because I am letting myself grow. Others might find that hard to understand. It is human nature to label others and seek to keep them in that box. We must, however, never just accept the labels put upon us by others, even by ‘friends’, when you know in your heart it isn’t a jacket you fit.


Bless You!

Next to the girls bed is a little framed scripture verse with Little Woman’s ink hand print. We have had it for almost a year now but each night I spot it I smile oh so sweetly. She and I where in a little class, a while back, that was all about reminding parents to purposely bless their children. Little Woman and I practiced together that day and as I put my hand on her head and read her a verse she got this bright little grin, socking in my direct attention her way. Often she will look at it and with a big grin she will remind me to lay hands on her and her siblings and ‘pray blessings from Jesus on us’. I delight in this little hand print, this little girl, this little piece of life.


Sun Beams And Nap Times

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. ~John 14:27

I relish nap time… or at least I would if I stayed awake long enough to enjoy that sweet snug feeling that comes when I flop down on my bed in the middle of the day. I always try to find a sun beam to warm me as I snooze, like an old cat that way. I lay there for a brief moment and think ‘ I need to drink this in’; but then I am already asleep. Life is taxing on a mommy of four and I need my naps.

However, a nap not so many days ago ended up being a time of delightful reflection. To my great joy, my third child, Little Woman, enjoys a snugly nap in the sun beams as much as I. She curled up with me and was sound asleep in no time. As is normal I crashed. About 20 minutes into my nap I awoke and felt very refreshed.

I made the decision to stay put and drink the minutes in from my cozy spot. At first only my mind seemed to make noise… then I heard the tick tick of the bed side clock… the song of a couple little birds in my neighborhood… the buzz of the fridge… and the soft breathing of my daughter. I stretched out and tickled the sun beam with my happy toes. A smile covered my face as I enjoyed the moment. Wrapping my arms gently around my daughter I played with the hair flopped over her sweet pink ear. The smile increased as I let love for her warm in my chest. I sighed deeply, a long, heavy delighted with life kind of sigh that only can be found in delicious moments of peace.

It was quiet enough to pray with little effort, and so I did.



avoiding reality… (you know, in your heart, when a little has become too much)Yesterday I read a fellow blogger’s thought on addiction and how closely coping mechanisms can get to that. My number one reason for embracing habitual coping mechanisms is to avoid pain, pain of the heart. We all really try to avoid pain more then we should. I know I do more then I realise until I STOP and really think about it.

I prefer to keep out of the coping mechanism category when I am debating with in myself about how I am doing and just say I am using a healthy little bit of escapism now and then and that is all… Sometimes, however, that isn’t all that is going on. I am thankful for being caught red handed. It isn’t as big a deal as it seems when I am avoiding the truth… or it wasn’t this time, thank the Lord.

The blogger’s article stopped me in my tracks. I was surfing randomly (looking for something to distract myself with) when I landed on her post and it hit me hard because of what I had been up to lately and was up to right then. I had been heavily enjoying regular escapism lately. Only moments before I was putting on another cup of tea and consciously realising I had a moment to myself if I wanted it. The kids where napping, the house was quiet… I should stop and have some devotional time… but this soft call of the Spirit was quickly drowned out by a stop at the computer.

I have issues, we all do, but I want to remember to make Jesus my escapism, my coping mechanism, my first choice confidant. He wants that too and so his Spirit sweetly continues to call me to ‘be still and know that I am God’.

Thank you sweet Jesus for catching me being human and offering me the perfect coping mechanism; your love.


Jesus The Great Listener

You are the great listener.

You know I am not so great at listening.

You speak to me anyways, You find a way, You bring me your way.

You let me come to you in all the times of life.

You wait and call out to me when I am not coming.

I come to you in so many different states.
Today I might come to you calmly with a confident request.
Tomorrow I might return joyfully and thankfully with a blessed burden.
Today I might come to you with crushing emotion and a desperate request.
Tomorrow I might come to you defiantly, struggling with trust and breaking under a burden.

Through it all you always let me come.
No matter how often and how weak or strong I am you let me come.

When I can come, give it and walk away in peace but once, you let me come.
When I have to return over and over and choose to leave it and then walk away choosing to be at peace, you let me come.

Lord Jesus I thank you for the place to come… for you being my place to come no matter what…
I thank you that there is no formula to our relationship, no zone; no person I have to pretend to be or find with in before I can come to you.

You are the great listener.
You are the place I can put my burdens down.
You are the place of answers.
You are.

Thank you my Jesus!


Hold Lightly

Learning to hold lightly. An image of hands comes to mind.

Picture hands out stretched, slightly reaching up, palms open and held out with ease.
An image of trust, of expectation and of focus beyond ones self. Hands open speak of freedom.Now picture hands clenched, held to ones chest or wrapped around ones body firmly.
An image of lack of trust, fear, and self focus. Hands clutched speak of captivity.We can’t receive from Christ unless we put our hands out there, put our focus on him. With our hands lifted up we WILL receive… at this point we must continue to hold our hands out, not loosing trust or holding tightly to what we are given because once the hands are clenched and drawn near to ones self nothing more can be put in. We might prevent loosing but we also loose great gain, we prevent him putting more into our lives. Yes with them open perhaps he will take out of them as he put in but this is where trust in him comes into play. We must trust his motives. Christ Jesus gives and he takes and he wants us to only cling to him.

Freedom in Christ is found when we are not captive to our self image, our possessions, our people. All that is good has been given and given by Jesus. The call is to hold lightly to every thing and everyone. The call is to cling to Jesus.

P.s. Thanks so much for our talk Sheryl. It really helped sharpen the image that I have been receiving and the gift/lesson that I have been learning.