Archive for April, 2010

Your Life

“This is your life, Treat yourself right, Treat others right, Do what you know you should.” ~Newsboys

When I first started blogging the only alone time I got was in the van driving my oldest back and forth to school and so I had named the spiritual part of my blog ‘Van Visions’. Of late I find I am not able to find spiritual alone time in my own home. I am not comfortable with seeking my Jesus out there. I don’t know exactly why, I am sure this is just a season, but the point is I am again very thankful for ‘Van Visions’. Jesus knows how to speak to me where I am at and lately that seems to be in the vehicle again.
When in a storm I often feel selfish and then tend to deal with that by self punishment… it doesn’t work. I quickly forget how others see me and assume they see me as my internal dialogue says. It is ironically very very self focused, this kind of depression… Trying to snap myself out of selfishness alone often leads to more selfishness…

It seems totally wrong to have the approach of ‘treat yourself right’ at times like this in my life and yet that is what Christ keeps whispering to me. We are no good to anyone if we are not good to ourselves.

Learning to make alone time, give yourself breaks… Learning to stop obsessing about mistakes and character flaws will allow one to focus on things beyond them self… others beyond them self… Jesus.

I think I could get more time in then just the drives around the city… I think I assume I need to put off alone time and after a while when I have gone without I run from it… But I need to treat myself right and spend time with my Jesus.

LUKE 5:16
So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.

MARK 1:35-37
Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.


Hope For Me…

Deeply thankful for hearing…
There are some of us who are easily forgotten, easily unseen, invisible…
Gnawing fears come from this state and can eat a person alive.
There are some of us who will be consumed by the fears and will turn into people we where not meant to be… people with out hope for themselves.
There are some of us who will be rescued before it is to late and will be told ‘there is hope for you yet’, whether we deserve it or not…

There are some of us who will continually meet our same old enemy over and over again…
Gnawing fear will lurk and every now and then drag a person down again.
There are some of us who are stormy souls by nature, battling more with themselves then with anything else, easily deceived about who they are, easily blinded about who they can be.
There are some of us who will pull back because of lack of trust and will always risk letting fear get too strong a hold…

Even so…

There is hope for me yet…

Jesus remembers the forgettable, he sees the invisible.

Deterred by a great distances? Not our God.
Overwhelmed by our issues? Not our God.
Disappointed in our personalities? Not our God.

Moved with love for us always? OUR GOD!

“There is hope for me yet
Because God wont forget
all the plans he’s made for me.

I have to wait and see.

He’s not finished with me yet.

And the farther on I go
I’ve seen enough to know
That I’m, not here for nothing
He’s up to something!”
~Brandon Heath


Hope For Me Yet

Brandon Heath

Must give credit to this amazing artist. His songs hit the mark in my life often.


Just Putting It Out There

I can’t help but notice the wonderful dresses this blogger makes for her children!

Most of you who know me know I adore dresses and specifically retro or old fashioned or era specific ones, well this lady has a real talent! If you are looking for a pretty and fabulous little blog to enjoy going through check hers out!


April’s Hymn (Yes I Did Remember)

Although I wouldn’t have recognized her name before today I have, today, realized I am a great fan of Eliza Edmonds Hewitt (click on her name to find a small biographical write up). For a bigger write up about her click HERE. I might have to learn a couple more of her songs before spring is over for she has a passion for comparing the beautiful elements of our faith with the beautiful flowers in nature.

I have chosen her song Lower and lower, dear Lord, at Thy feet, the highlighted letters will take you to an audio version with lyrics.

I must be honest and say I chose this one purely on the melancholy sound of the piano music. I couldn’t find it in my hymnal as of yet but when I saw her name on another song I looked up her works and chose this one for April. Whether I need the soothing melancholy of this song because of weather (we are having a snow storm outside right now) or because of life experiences of present I know not but I teared up as I read her words and it was then an easy choice.


Dancing Shoes

(These beautiful shoes are on the feet of my beautiful youngest daughter. She was just given them by a family friend and now lives in them, I can’t blame her!)

Whoop, what happened? Well I tried to neglect everything this week and not let myself get worked up but my body let me know I was stressed after all and I get it…

I was amazed at all the stuff that hit me as I struggled to deal with my Dad’s life being vulnerable. I am amazed at how little emotion I showed through it all… most of it was anger about other stuff as I crushed the tears down… cuz I was supposed to.

Now that the surgery is over and for now he is getting better and better I am kinda ticked that I wasn’t allowed to just be worried and sad and get on with it… lesson learned…

As I listened to my eldest sing to her little sister and brother today, and watched them dance to her impromptu song, I realized I want to put on my dancing shoes again too. I only seem to find them with God. I only know how to dance with him at the lead.

Go ahead Big Girl, sing that endless song of yours because it is coming from your pretty heart.
Go ahead and tap tap tap in your new pink shoes Little Woman because life joy like that is too precious.
Go ahead Baby Boy and copy your sisters dance, you understand that passionate joyfulness is contagious.

None of you know the stifling rules of adulthood yet and so I am thankful.


From One Scottish Woman To YOU!

To all my clans men and women!


Marriage Monday

It is a pick your own topic month. Anything relating to marriage and Christ I suppose.

is a favorite song of mine.
When it gets tough I often reflect on her words of wisdom.

“Loving a person just the way they are, its no small thing, its the whole thing.

Often spouses are opposites… my man and I are, personality wise, very much opposites. I think one of the greatest things Garnet does for me is he loves me in spite of how hard my personality can make that. I hope and pray I do the same for him:)

True romance…

I am a stormy emotional personality. I prefer to get angry over getting sad, it is my protective wall if I am feeling sorrow or pain… I act like a prickly pear when I need a hug the most… He doesn’t understand this but as we continue to get to know one another better he doesn’t let it get to him as much and reaches out to me in spite of myself. I am so thankful for his ability to yank me away from depression because there are things about myself that I used to fear, sometimes momentarily still do, and he (through Christ that strengthens him) doesn’t fear them.

We talked for hours when dating and still do when the kids give us the chance. Our personalities could really limit our growth as a couple because we see things and do things so differently but I thank the Lord that he has blessed us with the patience to talk it out. We deliberately try to learn how one another works and thinks and I believe the Lord gives us more insight then we would have on our own, in times of trying and need.

My Mom told me at a young age that you can’t spend your life trying to change a man, specifically your man because only God can do that. I am thankful for the grace and patience that the Lord can give a marriage so that two conflicting personalities can connect and love and respect one another for their differences.

Perfect example in closing… my husband smirks and laughs when he is nervous… this used to make me so upset and hurt when young because I would be upset about something and he would giggle. Now I usually can’t help but smirk too, knowing he reacts this way because he does understand I am upset, this is just how he handles it. I can tell you from experience, just getting more angry doesn’t make the smirking and snickering go away once it has started…

Pray that the Lord will give you and your man HIS eyes for one another so you can love your husband just the way he is and he can do the same for you:) Thank the Lord that he knows you and your spouses faults and is more then able to deal with these faults and shortcomings and can change them for the better!

1st Monday Every Month at Chrysalis

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Favorite Verse From March Hymn

Jesus is all the world to me:
My life, my joy, my all.
He is my strength from day to day;
Without Him I would fall.
When I am sad, to Him I go;
No other one can cheer me so.
When I am sad, He makes me glad;
He’s my Friend.

At first I thought I would pick the second verse about golden grain and such but then this month I really felt thankful for cheer… no other one can cheer me so…

April’s Hymn soon to come:)


Blessed Family Time!

We kicked it all off with a graduation! My three year old, Little Woman, graduated from her first year of ‘wee college’. It was a night to fuss over her and she deserves fussing. She got to march up to the front and recite songs she learned and then received a certificate! A big night for our girl! Other then getting a little queasy at the end she was a pro!

Spring break has only barely began and we have already been so busy!
First day of spring break we took Big Girl down town to get her first BIG KID bike! It is a ‘tom boy’ color and she even got biking gloves to go with! She is loving the mature features of gear shifting and handle breaks!

(I love this man! I adore spending time with my best friend! Biking, skating in the winter, and hopefully taking up kayaking together this year, are all better with him! Next big plan in the works, after kayaking, is to get used to camping as a family.)

In the winter we skate. In the summer this family BIKES! The above pictures are me and my man on our first family bike ride of the year. The older two kids do so well following us in a straight line and keeping up. The younger two are as happy as can be in the trailer I pull. The first trip was a little nippy but we had been anticipating this all winter and so off we went!

When there are big things going on in life, big things that could really consume your mind and cause you to just stop, the little things, the family time blessings are all the more important and wonderful, especially for a Mama and her mushy heart.