All posts in The Hymn Project

July’s Hymn!

I hit a wall this month. Just feeling so much in the Spirit lately and yet not able to find a hymn that is new to me that really felt like this months hymn. I decided to then go with another by last months author. Check the link on the song’s name to get the lyrics and music. Check the link on the authors name to lead you to last months write up that has a link to a mini autobiography about her.

I think I hit the wall this month because I have been so excited about some old hymns that I have rediscovered. Ones I know well but haven’t sang for years are coming to my attention and I am spending all my cleaning time singing them… it was hard to find something new that was capable of moving me as the old belting out ones are right now. I am looking for some more up beat ones but I know most of those and so here is one that I will try to make my own and turn it up beat if I can:)

You Have Longed For Sweet Peace by Elisha Albright Hoffman.

Here’s to summer and joyful song and peace in my heart and changes!


Favorite Verse From June’s Hymn

I must tell Jesus all of my trials;
I cannot bear these burdens alone;
In my distress He kindly will help me;

He ever loves and cares for His own.

All the verses are good really. Simply sweet music about our need for Jesus and our need to be humble enough to give him our bad as well as our good:)


June’s Hymn!

I barely had time to focus at all on last months hymn, another I will have to return to. This month I determined to shape up. Tonight I sacrificed tea time to find a hymn that was ment for me right now. I wanted plenty of time with it as I tasted it carefully for the first time. I am so thankful I did.

This months hymn drew my attention because it had simple lyrics that where a good reminder for this stubborn heart of mine. When I turned on the music I knew it was THE song for this month. The music turned seemingly simple words strung together into truth, encouragement and beauty. It is so pretty and earnest.

‘I Must Tell Jesus’ was written by Elisha Albright Hoffman , click on his name to find a biographical write up. I recognized another of his hymns, ‘Are You Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb’, right away. A few others like ‘What A Wonderful Savior’ are also very pretty.

This hymn feels so right I don’t think it will take much for me to learn it:)


Favorite Verse From May’s Hymn

(Baby Boy loves getting out side now that it is spring, here he is waiting ‘not so patiently’ for Mommy to find time to take him out.)
“There is music in my soul today,
A carol to my King;
And Jesus, listening, can hear
The song I cannot sing.”
~Lyrics By Eliza E. Hewitt

I felt like this hymn oozed spring and May has always been the most springy month in my mind. It is when I really start to believe the snow will not return. It is when I clean up my gardens and eagerly prepare to plant. This year we have had SO MUCH RAIN and it has been so refreshing to see everything out side so healthy.


Favorite Verse From April’s Hymn

Lower and lower; yet higher we rise
Lifted in Christ, freed from all the earth ties:
Humbly we follow the way of the cross.
Then, crowns of glory, and gain for all loss.

So pretty… I guess I let my attraction to this song get the better of me… truth is it is the first one I feel like I didn’t get a handle on before the end of the month… I guess no more messing around, time to pick ones I have notes to follow with as I learn, thus ones in my old hymnal that I have at home. I decided this project would never become a source of stress and discouragement for me so my rule is that I can always come back to older ones and keep working on them as time goes by so I guess I will be revisiting this piece.

P.S. May’s hymn coming soon!


April’s Hymn (Yes I Did Remember)

Although I wouldn’t have recognized her name before today I have, today, realized I am a great fan of Eliza Edmonds Hewitt (click on her name to find a small biographical write up). For a bigger write up about her click HERE. I might have to learn a couple more of her songs before spring is over for she has a passion for comparing the beautiful elements of our faith with the beautiful flowers in nature.

I have chosen her song Lower and lower, dear Lord, at Thy feet, the highlighted letters will take you to an audio version with lyrics.

I must be honest and say I chose this one purely on the melancholy sound of the piano music. I couldn’t find it in my hymnal as of yet but when I saw her name on another song I looked up her works and chose this one for April. Whether I need the soothing melancholy of this song because of weather (we are having a snow storm outside right now) or because of life experiences of present I know not but I teared up as I read her words and it was then an easy choice.


Favorite Verse From March Hymn

Jesus is all the world to me:
My life, my joy, my all.
He is my strength from day to day;
Without Him I would fall.
When I am sad, to Him I go;
No other one can cheer me so.
When I am sad, He makes me glad;
He’s my Friend.

At first I thought I would pick the second verse about golden grain and such but then this month I really felt thankful for cheer… no other one can cheer me so…

April’s Hymn soon to come:)




I am finding it a bit tricky to pick something out already! I discover as I look up the music for different hymns, I thought I didn’t know, childhood memories flood back. Memories of the small Mennonite chapel I attended and all the hymns I DID learn! I can look at the titles and read the lyrics and not have a clue till I hear the music. If I am not finding an old forgotten hymn I already knew I am finding very very difficult pieces that are probably not sang often for good reason, THEY ARE DIFFICULT! It took me a long time to find a pretty hymn that I could figure out and didn’t know already for this month and so with pleasure I present this months hymn!

‘Jesus Is All The World To Me’. I found the music soothing and dainty, warm and inviting Though it sounds a little daunting, I am learning that I seem to catch on pretty quick. Have a listen, by clicking on the title above, and tell me what you think!

Written by Will Lamartine Thompson, click on his name for a tiny bio that I found (couldn’t find much more). He also wrote ‘Softly and Tenderly’, which is a favorite of mine and also a very sweet song to sing. There seems to be a gentleness about his writings and I am drawn to that.

Well I am very excited to learn this pretty tune! I am having way to much fun doing this project!


My Favorite Verse From February’s Hymn

Joys are flowing like a river, Since the Comforter has come;
He abides with us forever,
Makes the trusting heart His home.

Blessed quietness, holy quietness— What assurance in my soul!
On the stormy sea He speaks peace to me.

How the billows cease
to roll!

So happy to sing a song about peace and quietness of spirit all month long…
and with that…
March’s hymn will be chosen and a post should show up in the next day or so.

February’s Hymn

Wow February is here! It hit me, while sitting on my rocking chair, that I need to pick a new hymn for my project! “Blessed Quietness” (“Joys are flowing like a river / Since the Comforter has come”) (1897)
Lyrics by Manie Payne Ferguson

After my previous post I felt it reflected my mood. It seems like it will be a little more challenging then the last but has a really pretty sound to it! Click on the authors name above to find out all about her.

Is this hymn new to you too? Listen to the music at the link on my side panel, down a bit.

Are you familiar with it and can carry a tune? I would love you to advise me then. I have to learn it mostly by ear so I sometimes wonder if I am getting the exact vocal tune right.

I determined to do nothing really today, even ignoring the baskets of laundry needing folding, but this was a pleasant event that came up! I am enjoying this project!