February’s Hymn

Wow February is here! It hit me, while sitting on my rocking chair, that I need to pick a new hymn for my project! “Blessed Quietness” (“Joys are flowing like a river / Since the Comforter has come”) (1897)
Lyrics by Manie Payne Ferguson

After my previous post I felt it reflected my mood. It seems like it will be a little more challenging then the last but has a really pretty sound to it! Click on the authors name above to find out all about her.

Is this hymn new to you too? Listen to the music at the link on my side panel, down a bit.

Are you familiar with it and can carry a tune? I would love you to advise me then. I have to learn it mostly by ear so I sometimes wonder if I am getting the exact vocal tune right.

I determined to do nothing really today, even ignoring the baskets of laundry needing folding, but this was a pleasant event that came up! I am enjoying this project!


2 Comments on "February’s Hymn"

  1. nanny says:

    This one was sung plenty at the Northern Fellowship Chapel. Just follow the music, it is very lilting and beautiful. Love MOM

  2. Jenna says:


    the volume does not work on my computer and so I cannot listen to it.

    But if you bring it over sometime I can play it for you on the piano!

Considerate and polite comments are always welcomed.