All posts in Life Keeps Changing

Extrovert In Me?

Can being less busy actually make you more extroverted?  Can being bombarded with busyness make one an introvert?  Moving has been a literal step back for me.  Settling meant all the stuff keeping me busy before has had to take a back seat. Moving away from the city means all the ways city life is good at keeping one busy is now optional for me.  I don’t have to face it day after day and I can be more myself without fighting to be myself.  I am happily in no hurry to take up the rush again, to join the flow of DOING and GOING.  I am totally okay with being ordinary and with my kids just slowly frittering away the summer. I am a townie and living in a town has made me feel more like ME again! Continue reading →

We Are HERE!

Here we are.  We are townies.  A good six months of almost daily house showings and we have gotten beyond the selling of a city home, beyond the moving of a big family, beyond settling in to a new home.  Here we are…we are HERE! Continue reading →

Waiting to Breath

It has been a while since I indulged my eye and heart in my passion for the little things in life… Continue reading →

Summer Happened Harvest Arrived

And summer past without much posting from me.  So unlike me!  Summer can be the most fun to blog about and yet I had a new perspective this year… the perspective of someone who HAS TO get her blood pressure in check so I let a lot of things just slide. Hopefully I will have time to post some warm fuzzy summer memory posts on here in the near future.

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Puzzling Day

I have begun collecting calm hobbies.  Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the high energy ones too, had a blast at my ladies floor hockey night just this past Thursday.  I could happily skate on the neighbourhood rink for hours with my big kids, and if I could go to the dog park and run around with Riddick every day I would… but, while exerciser is good for high blood pressure, I also am feeling the need to get more ‘slow myself down hobbies’ that are as deliciously mellow as reading.  Enter, or rather, re-emerge puzzling!

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Super Me

They tell us the first five years are the most important.  We’ve got five years to help our babies connect as many of the neurons in their little brains as possible.  As usual, a lot of what they say could invite a good dose of panic into parenting… do we all need to be superheroes?

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it IS on my mind

In new years past I contemplated making a resolution, as is the cultural norm in my little part of the world.  Each year I was struck with my short comings in using my personal resolve to change much of anything in my life.  THIS year I continued my own tradition of being honest with myself and not making any personal promises.  I realise I learn and grow more then I ever decide and change, and so I have embraced that.

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guard your hearts and minds

What am I pondering lately?  There are plenty of input sources; of which my own ideals, goals and desires are among the most vocal in my mind and my heart.

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Two Years

Two years ago my baby boy was two.  He spent much of his time pretending to be a dog.   So we got him a four legged friend; a purebred retired show dog named Riddick.  Riddick, the smooth fox terrier, was named after a Vin Diesel movie character, and he had plenty of character himself.   He needed a home and we needed a dog to adopt.

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Alone At The Decline Of Day

As I put the kids to bed, alone this evening, the anticipation bloomed within.  I had big beautiful plans to read, tea it up and perhaps even watch some TV of my own choosing.    I could work on my guitar playing, pick out a new song to learn the vocals to.  I could bake uninterrupted or simply dance to music while I catch up on chores (chores that are so much more fun with music blaring).  Perhaps this all could put me in the introverted category, or is a sign I might finally be growing up… or growing older… I prefer to see this contentment with nights alone as a sign that things are more balanced in my world of ‘mommy’.

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