Every Mistake is An Opportunity

The other night my eldest had a real scare. Meaning well, she had put her little brother in a situation that got him hurt. She was screaming for me when I came upon them. Her baby brother was fine, and easily soothed, but in tears she crumpled into my arms asking me to forgive her. It took a lot for me not to cry for her. I took a breath and felt I needed to seize this opportunity to teach my perfectionist child a love lesson. “I am so glad you love him enough to be sorry for what happened. You made a big mistake. Mistakes are important parts of life, and growing up, IF we let them teach us. Don’t waste this mistake honey, learn from it”. My girl went to bed, at peace about it all, after we took turns praying.

I pondered how mistakes make my heart ache and two things came to mind. FIRST what I told her is true, we need to get out there and make mistakes and then learn from them. So often in today’s church we aren’t allowed such a Christian life experience. If we don’t know it all right away, if we aren’t perfectly behaved (seemingly) we are not up to snuff thus either attacked or ignored. I see this huge sick issue in believers where we either fake it, thinking we can ‘fake it till they make it’ or we feel rejected, like outsiders, because we are all to aware of our mistakes. WHY are we punishing people for being real? Why are we preventing them from growing? It comes from a mistrust in Christ’s ability to shape each and every person in his body; where is our hope for our brother and sister? It comes from pride and judgmentalism; where is our selflessness and humility? We all know deep down we must make mistakes to grow so let us not paralyse others with false ideas of perfecting ones self, or horde all the opportunities to step out and try, or attack people as soon as they stick their necks out.

The second thing I was flooded with was a thankfulness that my heart feels remorse, as hers did, when I do wrong. I hope I am as quick to run to Christ seeking forgiveness and healing. Watching her hug and kiss her brother reminded me to be brave enough to apologies to those I hurt, as well as repenting before my Lord.

I think a person needs to start to worry about where their heart is at if they get comfortable with their own personal mistakes or managed to fool themselves with their masks of perfection. I desire surrender of my screw ups, praying the Lord seeks out my mistakes that I have learned to excuse, hide or even enjoy. May he bring them into the light of day for my own good and may I resist breaking beneath the pain and instead seize the opportunity to grow and love.


2 Comments on "Every Mistake is An Opportunity"

  1. e-Mom says:

    Wonderful reflections! You’re a good Mom, Mac an Rothaich. Seizing the opportunity to teach your child in an emotionally charged moment takes self-control and above all self-less love.

    Hugs, e-Mom

  2. Jenna says:

    i agree, wonderful reflection and such good questions. why are we punishing people for being real? i ask the same thing. love you, becky!

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