Part of My Job Is Knowing

“Quite well, thank you, how are you today?”
I always answer,
I always tell them,
If they ask me

I wish

That they wouldn’t”
from a poem by A.A. Milnes called ‘Politeness’

Part of my job, as mommy, is knowing when it is all getting to be too much, and that you are only falling apart because you are in need… in need of time alone, in need of a hug, a drink, some food, or in need of things going your way just once in a while.

When I rush you in spite of knowing that ‘you need’ I rush you because I am rushed and, by golly, I am always disappointed when this happens… disappointed that I am rushing, that you are being rushed… when it hits me that you just wish the whole world and all its ‘to dos’ and ‘must dos’ would go away, I too wish it would all go away…

I wish that we would be left alone to just console one another…
rubbing one anothers backs and talking gibberish,
left alone to squish bugs on the front step,
oblivious to time while we share a snack.

A reminder to myself to put the daily chores on hold when my actual purpose needs me. My children are my purpose… my husband is my purpose. My house will wait and full fill its role whether it is dirty or clean. Christ is honored when I am able to choose the better way… relationship always trumps tasks.


3 Comments on "Part of My Job Is Knowing"

  1. Jenn L says:

    I need to learn this better. To enjoy my purpose in my children and husband more. I too often stress about the ‘to do list of chores’ and say all too often, ‘just wait’ to my family. And to my Jesus. Thank you for reminding me to slow down. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Casey says:

    I totally agree! I’ve had a “break” from my kids for 3 days while packing. Not all day each day, but most meals and a lot of time. Not that I’ve actually had a break, but a break from them. In addition to that we packed all our stuff and moved most of it. So I actually can’t wait for tomorrow when I will just PLAY with my kids as much as they want. And I will take AdaLynn for a walk and let her pick up rocks until there are no more left if that’s what she wants! I’m just so excited to be with her tomorrow.

    Oh, and now that my stuff is all gone, I think I could just stay here. I think it’s my stuff that makes me feel distracted. If I have no ‘stuff’ I don’t really need it, but when I have it I just want more and more. Maybe someone will just steal the truck or something and even though I’d be sad at all of the sentimental things I’d be missing, I think I’d embrase the new minimalist lifestyle! Even when I get the rest of my stuff back I hope I remember this.

  3. nanny says:

    Such a wise Mommy/wife you are. Love you. MOM

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