Iced Tea

This is not a picture of what I am up to right now… I am drinking an iced tea, however. The similarities stop there. That day I was on the patio with my feet up watching the kids play. Tonight I am baking bread, in the evening, with a big old fan working hard to pull the cool evening air into my killer hot kitchen.

My man made me a creamy iced cold roobois tea tonight! That sweetness from my man deserves a blog nod! Thank you honey! It is making it easier to get my 8 loaves through!

Bread day doesn’t stop for the summer. I still have to get my weekly batch through… so I mix it before the heat of the day, pound it down the majority of the day and then cook it once the sun goes down in an attempt to not get too hot in this unairconditioned old house of ours.

I am working hard wearing my fav cowgirl hat and thinking about the wonderful summer day that has just fallen asleep. All four of babies are playing down stairs where it is cool… too hot to sleep in their rooms yet and they napped all afternoon (FOUR HOURS) so they deserve a late night. They are on storm watch! Any minute now a storm is going to roll in. The clouds have been coming all day and the thunder is starting to make itself heard. I plan to pop another couple loaves in the oven and sit at the big window with the kids while we watch the lightning.

What is this post about? Love of course:)

P.s. BOY did we get a storm! Wind whipping our pine trees around, rain coming down in sheets and then hail, constant lightening and every now and then a boom of thunder that send shivers down every one’s spine. There was one crack right over our house that made my husband jump back from the window (he loves storms) and sent Baby Boy screaming madly and running blindly across the house… we think he meant to find Daddy who was in the kitchen but he really seemed to just go off like a rocket with no specific target in mind… he was just SCARED! Baby Boy didn’t let Daddy put him down, after that one, till the storm was over. We all stayed up late till it had passed. It was an amazing storm!


One Comment on "Iced Tea"

  1. Jenna says:

    I could feel love all over this post!! and heat. and rain.

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