Silhouette Portraits

(Perhaps I am just feeling old today, but I love this above silhouette, it reminds me of a younger side of me!)

I have been thinking often about Victorian style silhouette portraits... and how I would love to have one of each of my children before they get much bigger. Click on the above link to see a picture of what I am talking about. I am trying to decide how to go about it… I just love them and hope this will be a successful future project, just not too far in the future…TTFN

3 Comments on "Silhouette Portraits"

  1. {e} says:

    that’s cool i was just watching an old extreme makeover home edition, and they did that for a family with 13 kids. it looked super sweet. 🙂

  2. Oh! Aren’t I glad I only have to do four!

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