Winnipeg Adventure

I like Winnipeg!
Got a mini tour the night I arrived. A friend drove me to my girl friends apartment and on the way gave me a guided tour through many of the nice parts of the city. The forest in the middle of the city is so special! I was impressed! The Parliament buildings where beautiful and there where so many interesting neighborhoods to explore.

(It was very refreshing to walk everywhere.)

We mostly stayed in the down town area after that initial tour. That is where the train station was, the wedding and our hotel. All where near to the forks too so I got to explore them with my brothers family one of the mornings.

(Karla and I on the tower at the forks.)

So the tower was perhaps one of our adventures, although not a fav of mine. The tower was attached to a beautiful craft/ fresh goods kind of market. It was glass and that didn’t impress me. I didn’t need to see all the way down all the time. When we got to the top I was pretty sure smudgy pictures of the scenery, from the inside of the tower, where fine but my big brother managed to convince me to check out the ledge. He smirked and said ‘say fear of heights’ as he took this above picture of his wife and I.We walked to a mall, after the forks, and on the way it really started to rain. I had a blast running from over hang to over hang with my brother and his family. We would wait for the street light to change to walk and come bursting out again and run to beat the band across the street and straight to another over hang. Got totally wet anyhow:)

By the end of the trip I felt comfortable with the underground mall (the cities way of crossing many of the busy streets) and the sky ways, not really sure what they call them, that connect the buildings down town by going over streets. The last day there I even went and did a little shopping on my own, before the train departed. Found a few dresses and almost got carried away trying them on. Got two out of the bunch for a real good deal but almost missed the train in the process. I did not look cool running like a mad woman back to the hotel and then to the station. Sweaty and tired when I got there I was also thankful because I made it just in time. It was all good though, I knew I would have lots of down time on the train after all that.

(I was huffing and puffing when I took this picture of a government building on the way to the station.)

I would for sure enjoy going back!


One Comment on "Winnipeg Adventure"

  1. {e} says:

    looks like you had an awesome time. brings back memories of hanging out at the forks. it’s such a cool place. 🙂

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