How is it that we are HURT so badly?

(Myself and my Dad Spring2011)

On the edge of tears, as though listening to a most excellent melody.. I think of the many folks that are near and so very dear to me.. My kin.. friends .. brothers and sisters in Christ.. because I feel so Very Very Blessed to have known each one of you and just now I  am catching a glimpse of just how much my Lord Jesus Christ loves you… Good Lord how He loves you!!

I see the bravery needed to love  because when we decide to love another person; we, to some extent, put ourselves at their mercy…. We become vulnerable.. When the enemy hurts us we are not surprised… but then when we are  betrayed by a brother it cuts us sharply, to the depths of our soul.

But to harden ourselves brings the loss of being able to experience love.  Therefore it is the wisdom of the Living Word that He was to say… Father … Forgive them… they just don’t understand.

I need, absolutely need, forgiveness and SO DO YOU!

Therefore: brethren be gracious to one another  forgiving one another as God, in Christ, has FORGIVEN  YOU! ABSOLUTELY and without reservation or caveat!!!

by Allan Munro on Monday, March 5, 2012 at 11:12am

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