What Follows Gaining God? (A Next Thought)

There is always more as you learn… God always has more to teach us.This post is related to the post Looking At Gain as God and Not Stuff, please read it first if you haven’t already. This is a following thought, or next step, more then a continuation.

So what happens then? When the child accepts that invite to go be with his Abba Father instead of holding back and thinking of himself… what happens? When the selfish nature that pollutes all mens souls is dropped like a tun of bricks and child is instead filled with selfless devotion and adoration for the ONE who first loved us… what is next?

Well, it is pretty amazing how dramatically things change when the son gets his priorities straight, aligning his mind and heart to the point of presenting himself willingly before our Father in Heaven. The bond between Father and son can only increase when the son finally accepts and returns the love his Father has always had unconditionally waiting for him. And greatly increase it does! Ironically so much is to be gained by removing ourselves from a ‘gain mentality’; so much to be gained in our relationship with our Heavenly Father (stay with me, think gain as GOD, not as stuff).

I will not seek to write out a collision of thoughts that I had last night. All day this idea of loving my Abba Father for Himself alone had been bashing up against my long held ideas about life plans, dreams and how they interact with my God relationship.

An example was presented when I was asked why I didn’t desire to travel the world. In my heart I honestly felt ‘I just don’t desire to go for my own pleasure.’ Understand, my God, Christ Jesus, is MOST CERTAINLY NOT against enjoying this life. In light of that, I personally have just gotten to a place where I am tired of planning, for ages, desires that come from my will alone and trying to bring them into an amazing being on my own strength. As much of a romantic as I am I honestly find most things in this life, including trips, just aren’t as beautiful as you imagine when planing them. In a way, the process of planning is often more beautiful then the actual event.

It hit me; I would be a world traveler if I felt it was a God calling on my life… fear and disinterest would be unable to stop me in that case. WHY? Because with God the actual event is ALWAYS better then you could have ever imagined! The things he works out in your life and through you, when you are willing to be part of it, are ALWAYS better then the dream, the vision, better then the planning stages could have ever predicted!

What am I trying to say? I fear I am not being clear, this is all so big and new to my shallow soul…

I want to sacrifice my will to HIS WILL and not just pray for his will in my life but become part of his ultimate will. I want to lay my dream and plans and destiny at his feet and let him write my destiny. His plans for me, the person he sees in me will be more then I could have ever imagined or attained on my own.

THAT is why it is worth it to GAIN GOD!

I love my Abba Father enough to pray for more growth in my ability to love him.


Considerate and polite comments are always welcomed.