And Today

And today I will decide to be fearless in Christ.I felt a calling to set my heart on a goal, on a lesson, on a discipline…
I felt a calling to focus on right sacrifice…

In my foolishness I thought I knew what that was and what it would look like…
Falling short of my version I fell silent; full of disappointment and embarrassed…

And today I will snap out of it.

When I am weak he is strong…

I will let him lead… he is already leading…

‘Your way was through the sea,
your path,
through the mighty waters;
yet your footprints were unseen.
You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.’

Psalm 77:19-20

And you lead me, even though I do not see your footprints.

Ok, I will let you tell me what right sacrifice is and why TIME keeps coming to my mind.
Ok, I will trust you Jesus.
Ok, I will start acting like I love you;

may I not be able to foolishly hide it.
And today I will… I will wait for your will… your will will be mine!



2 Comments on "And Today"

  1. The Lord had placed you on my heart to pray for you specifically this past week. So glad to hear your heart is soft toward Him and you have not succumbed to a spirit of defeatism. And so glad to have you back at Passages, it was a lonely haul this past week and I got discouraged just wondering where you all were and how you were all doing. It’s always such an encouragement to me when people take even a few moments to touch base spiritually in this hectic and busy world of cyber communication.

  2. e-Mom says:

    These are wonderful verses:

    ‘Your way was through the sea,
    your path,
    through the mighty waters;
    yet your footprints were unseen.
    You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.’
    Psalm 77:19-20

    What a sight that must have been! And God can do it for us too… AMEN.

Considerate and polite comments are always welcomed.