All The Angry Noise

Galatians 5

22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. 25Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

So much noise around me, coming from members of The Body, and I am left feeling raw…

So many messages demanding I listen and agree…

You find fault in all that I believe…

So many perceptions and views slapping me down…

You find pleasure in making me doubt…
So many angry voices telling me who I am…

All I want to do is love Jesus and live by his Spirit…

I need to get a grip…

A few weeks ago I felt like Christ was calling me to really focus on the basics…
to work out my salvation with fear and trembling (to take it seriously)…
to quiet my mind and spirit and focus on where it all began…

The week following this call I was hit with many aggressive mixed ‘messages’!

I boiled all the crazy noise down…
and my heart went from being stormy to calm…
and all that was left was love…

A couple days later I felt him speak out of the love that remained…
out of the love grew selflessness…
a gentle spirit full of faith, mercy, peace, patience, joy, thankfulness, praise, worship and truth…
and I felt assured that no amount of noise can take that away from me.

The noise likes to make you doubt…
likes to block out your rock solid beliefs…
and try to blur truth…
muddy the waters of your faith and hope in Jesus Christ.

Is nothing sacred? Would the noise attack even LOVE? NO MATTER! My God is bigger then the noise and does not need to defend himself to the noise!

I will remember love (Jesus), TRUE LOVE (JESUS)!


4 Comments on "All The Angry Noise"

  1. nanny says:

    Amen! I just caught the tail end of an interview this a.m. on the radio as I drove to work with a couple who were beaten almost to death and she was raped in their home in Africa a year or so ago. I remember it all on the news. They are missionaries and obviously have a real relationship with Jesus as they so clearly and calmly explain His presence with them through that most horrible time. I must use His power daily and not whine over the little stuff. Love You MOM/Nanny

  2. I remember their story! It is amazing and full of the power of CHRIST!

    I just remember all the useless doctrinal arguments meant nothing when my family was in that car accident and I thought I might not make it and my kids might not make it. All that remained was Jesus.

    He holds on to us in such an evident way through those types of events. The noise is proven futile at those moment and Jesus alone as SO REAL!

  3. If someone has something intelligent against such experiences then they need to learn wisdom as well as book knowledge!

  4. am just listening to a sermon that talks exactly about this. The difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge can puff up and make people arrogant, proud and rude, but the products of wisdom are peace, encouragement and a hear that loves.

Considerate and polite comments are always welcomed.