Something New

Yup, this is the new blog… under construction, that should be pretty evident.  I want to welcome those who have popped or linked over because of my little blurb on facebook.

We have plans to announce things a little more formally come August, hoping to be done the construction of all parts of this site by then.  BUT for now, welcome and thanks so much for checking things out!  I appreciate the interest and the comments a GREAT deal!

I hope you can appreciate too that I am on summer vacation.  Enjoying my sloppy scheduled time with my crew of kids a great deal; so things may be a smidgen slower around here.


Always Lady Mac


2 Comments on "Something New"

  1. Casey says:

    Glad to have you back:-)

  2. Munro, Robin says:

    So nice to read you again. MOM XXXXXX

Considerate and polite comments are always welcomed.