Family Around Me


This stormy little soul is entitled to her bright days too, you know, one of those days where you just feel happy and it all bounces off of your genuinely happy self.

Got so much done today and had a few things hit that would usually make it all come crashing down for me…family came through and it all worked out and I didn’t get stressed to prove how much I care!

I am feeling so loved today! Big Boy got sick at school while I was across town and the kids Grams came to my rescue without a thought! Auntie Mirelle took Little Woman for the afternoon at the drop of a hat to help me out and I couldn’t help but drive home smiling! I am surrounded by people who REALLY DO care about little old me and I am so THANKFUL!

This is me taking note because most of my posts are about the struggles lately… this is me taking note of the love that family surrounds me with. Love is the reason you hang on to family, forgive family and even put up with and are put up with by family.


4 Comments on "Family Around Me"

  1. Mirelle says:

    You Bet! I not only care about you but I appreciate everything about you and love you lots! It is so wonderful to have family so close that you can depend on each other and also be the best of friends!

  2. nanny says:

    Amen! And I love this family for loving my girl and her crew. Robin

  3. Grams says:

    I’m glad you feel that love because I do love you very much darlin. Love Mom Fehr

  4. Yay! Thrilled for you that you found rejoicing in the valley.

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