Lymph Node Infection

I had barely gotten home when I was in another whorl wind… of the sick child kind. Baby Boy had developed a lymph node infection and although they are nasty to look at (swollen neck) they aren’t usually dangerous.

He had been put on antibiotics (heavy i.v. doses each day) and I was told he would be fine. Well keeping the i.v. in was hard for my man while I was gone and eventually they decided they should drain it to make sure it heals faster.

We where off to the hospital for a 13 hour wait for the surgery and eventually it happened at around eleven in the evening. He did fine going in and the surgery was quick but he was a furious mess waking up from being put under. The two nurses couldn’t handle him physically and so we decided to just take him home before he was completely with it again. He calmed down as soon as we left.

Days of almost no sleep and no eating followed. We found he was having fever and stomach pain from the antibiotics he was still on so the surgeon let us take him off (they where just a precaution thing once the surgery took place). He was very soon happy and eating after that.

The gauze and i.v. where finally gone on Thursday and he has been happier by the day. Although the lump is still there (will take a few weeks to go down) he is back to being a trouble maker.

I guess this is unexplainable kinda thing and although doctors see it a lot it doesn’t happen to kids a lot or repeat with a child, of that I am thankful.

I have been making a real effort to not get overly stressed lately. Before my trip I was having lots of physical pain due to stress and I knew something had to give so I hope it is my pride that has broke and I can continue to give it all to Jesus. I feel like a lot of stuff has been crashing in lately but I am full of hope that I am no longer sinking.

So I am hoping things will be happy and calm around here again soon. We are having beautiful weather and so I am spending lots of time outside. Today it will be HOT so Baby Boy, Little Woman and I are going to go do some yard work before it is unbearable.


One Comment on "Lymph Node Infection"

  1. {e} says:

    praying for complete healing for quade, and peace in your home & family!!

    i hear you on the pride thing. that’s a weed that i’ve had to kill over and over — sometimes daily! on the bright side, humility and repentance are keys to breakthrough! and there is nothing that tastes so sweet as breakthrough!

    bless you for your openness!

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