Thoughts From My Cozy Spot

My rocking chair and ottoman are waiting for me… waiting for me to put my feet up and drink my creamy tea, eat my sandwich and just sit! Started reading ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles’ yesterday. I love classic novels and there are so many I haven’t read yet! I might sit and read about Tess or I might continue reading the chapter in Leviticus I am trying to work through… I might just fall asleep.

Don’t worry about tomorrow for today has troubles of its own… Tomorrow is my monthly trip to Costco, thankfully the kids are having a play date while I go. The next day I need to make 8 loaves of bread… today… today I am gonna sit (now that I am done wee college for the day).

I am so tired that every time I sit down to blog about the important stuff going on my eyes start to hurt. I have been staying up late way to often lately, and missing my naps… Two new people, important people, have appeared in my world and they come with questions and emotions and we, who are involved, are all trying to digest it all slowly and embrace the wonder of it all. Perhaps I will share more in the future but right now it still feels bigger then life!

But for now I will sit in my cozy spot, snack, read perhaps, and think quiet thoughts (kids are napping and the phone turned off) until I drift off into a delicious nap!


One Comment on "Thoughts From My Cozy Spot"

  1. sounds dreamy. pardon the pun.

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