All posts in Bits Of My Personality

Napping in the Park

If I could bottle such days and replay them when ever and where ever I please I would bottle last Saturday.  Pyjama day till noon, an enthusiastic trip to the library (proof I have a house full of lit lovers), toboggan rides in a warm sun on a slick hill and then the icing on the cake… a nap in the park!

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I would like to introduce you to three book series that I am enjoying with my kids in mind.  All are for the older child, as they have intense lessons and dangerous adventure.

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Person – Ality (When is it really me?)

PERSONALITY  –  The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character.

We all have trouble seeing the faults in our own personalities.  It seems to me that discovering these areas, that are indeed self toxic, can be tricky.  They can be masked with good intentions, or even more difficult to look through, masked with hurts done to us… Continue reading →

Catching Snow Flakes In Your Own Back Yard

All we wanted to do was get to the hill for some sliding.  What we really wanted was to skate, but that takes a lot more planning and we were running out of time on one of the few warm days this January.  Dad held us up at the last and we ended up sitting in a toboggan, in the yard, trying to catch the fantastically fluffy snow flakes on our tongues.

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Master List Success

We left home with thrifting in mind.  If my youngest and I could just get the unpleasant errands completed post haste we would have a couple uninterrupted hours at the Salvation Army Thrift store.  Our goal was finding at least two puzzles, our haul at the end of it all was a whole lot more then that!

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‘Chili Needs Cheese’ and ‘Corner Store Movies’

Did you know you can still rent movies at the corner store?  Well we can!  Good thing too, with no cable and all the channels digital (thus inaccessible for us) the big movie store names disappearing faster then I would have said “When did that happen?”, we are pretty limited at our house.

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Puzzling Day

I have begun collecting calm hobbies.  Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the high energy ones too, had a blast at my ladies floor hockey night just this past Thursday.  I could happily skate on the neighbourhood rink for hours with my big kids, and if I could go to the dog park and run around with Riddick every day I would… but, while exerciser is good for high blood pressure, I also am feeling the need to get more ‘slow myself down hobbies’ that are as deliciously mellow as reading.  Enter, or rather, re-emerge puzzling!

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it IS on my mind

In new years past I contemplated making a resolution, as is the cultural norm in my little part of the world.  Each year I was struck with my short comings in using my personal resolve to change much of anything in my life.  THIS year I continued my own tradition of being honest with myself and not making any personal promises.  I realise I learn and grow more then I ever decide and change, and so I have embraced that.

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guard your hearts and minds

What am I pondering lately?  There are plenty of input sources; of which my own ideals, goals and desires are among the most vocal in my mind and my heart.

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Alone At The Decline Of Day

As I put the kids to bed, alone this evening, the anticipation bloomed within.  I had big beautiful plans to read, tea it up and perhaps even watch some TV of my own choosing.    I could work on my guitar playing, pick out a new song to learn the vocals to.  I could bake uninterrupted or simply dance to music while I catch up on chores (chores that are so much more fun with music blaring).  Perhaps this all could put me in the introverted category, or is a sign I might finally be growing up… or growing older… I prefer to see this contentment with nights alone as a sign that things are more balanced in my world of ‘mommy’.

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