Singing A Song Even In Winter

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.

~Anne Bradstreet~

Winter entices us all to remain more in doors, and rewards us with a sense of courage when we go out.

Winter gives us all a good reason to slow down and enjoy solitude, while also giving us an opportunity to really feel loneliness if we aren’t careful how much we sit in silence.

Winter brings out child like joy at the arrival of the first snow fall, and can push the older hearts to grumble as it lingers on.

Christmas is in winter.

Christmas gives the darkest time of year a chance to shine.

The lights, the love, the community; when found Christmas warms one to the middle no matter what the thermometer reads.

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There Was An Autumn!

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; …

~Ecclesiastes 3:1-22~ ESV

Saying autumn was lovely is almost a given… it was lovely… and longer then usual so we enjoyed mild snowless weather right up until December.  Even now our December is not crazy snowy or crazy cold.  The kids had a great time covering the whole town on Halloween, getting too much candy and enjoying the hot chocolate and hotdogs handed out by our local seniors club.  I ran around taking as many pictures of the pretty changing leaves, as often as I could get out, and the dog (Riddick the smooth fox terrier) enjoyed the longer warm season… he hibernates come winter… poor little guy has very little fur.  School events are underway with clubs and sports for each of the kids, my man and I are enjoying our continued time spend volunteering for Spoken Word Ministries and we are all settled in to our old house actually able to await a real snowed in winter after such a good fall.

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Life is Push-y

IT IS DECEMBER!  Oh my, I just keep looking back to post on here and that wasn’t my plan.  I usually write to work through my present ‘mind stuff’ but to be straight with you… a touch of anxiety mixed with laziness has given me a bad case of the ‘I don’t cares or think I shouldn’t care… or should I care…’ about this blog.  So maybe my next post will be a run down about our autumn.  Today I am going to spill a little of myself.

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Summer Past

Ah yes summer was had by all 🙂  It was warm and delightfully slow.  We got a great big pool and the kids lived in a tent all summer long.  The ‘not so annual’ ladies tea was back on after a summer off last year and all four kids got tanned and taller.  This was also a summer of ‘not knowing’ in many areas of life.  I will touch on the most personal one pertaining to our immediate family.

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Curtains, pom-poms and braiding!

D.I.Y. Mother and Daughter time!

After I managed to make myself try a new project on the sewing machine my daughter ended up with her much needed curtains; FINALLY 🙂  We didn’t leave it at that though, we have discovered many d.i.y. projects are actually affordable and practical so we decided to fancy these pretty purple curtains up a little.IMG_20150602_110917_2

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soccer mom, cheer leader… who naps at the side lines ;)

Where did May go?  Swallowed up by the craziness of sport… soccer to be exact.  I just thank the Lord we set limits years ago.  Fall the girls can pick AN activity and then spring is the boys turn.  Still, with just the boys in soccer it has been a five to six nights a week gig.

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Sewing, Gummy Worms and Saving Old School Wisdom cuz It is Still Wisdom!

We had a weekend of spring fun all planned out, soccer practice, work in the yard… and then a spring snow storm arrived bring a serious damper on our plans.  Snow storms in spring are much like a rainy day in summer, faces get pouty and moods can get antsy, thus this mom declared a crafting day!

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Rubber Boots Required

“Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord;

his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth.”

~Hosea 6:3~

My morning walk was so warm and comfortable and calm.  Rubber boots required and this fact made it clear that spring does indeed come to the prairies each year.  No matter how long the winter seems it ends in a damp season full of mud and pot holes in the road but no bugs, no blistering hot summer sun and very little yard work!  I got teary eyes on the way home.  I was thankful that if by chance I was spotted the prairie winds are always a good explination for watery eyes. Continue reading →

No Offense

Heard it said again today, in the context of learning to be slow to take offense and quick to forgive, that ‘refusing to forgive is like drinking poison and waiting for the one who wronged you to die’.  This is true.

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4 Little Kids Who Keep Loosing Their Mittens

 There is no fear in love: but perfect love casteth out fear, because fear hath punishment; and he that feareth is not made perfect in love.

~1 John 4:18 (ASV)~

There are all kinds of opportunities in life to practice stepping out even when nervous, even afraid.  Faith is stepping even if afraid, fear is going backwards… limiting and restricting yourself.

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